söndag 16 september 2012

Who Am I?

"Who Am I?"

Have you ever stopped to ponder this question? To review all your skillsets and flaws so that you may better portay yourself to other people?

In the creative industry, primarily the gaming sector, it is a question refering to being attractive; No, im not talking physically (It won't hurt though), I talking about having a skill or competence that someone else desires or can make use of.


So in that sense, who am i?

Well, My name is Marcus and I'm 22 years old. I was born the youngest of a family of 4 brothers and a sister, and was at an early age introduced to the world of computers.

I have studied the process of designing and producing video-/digital games since the age of 16, with a degree from LBS (Ljud- och Bildskolan) and Gotland University.
I am currently in my fourth year (also known as the master-year) at the Gotland Unviersity with the long term goal of furthering my knowledge into production.

"Well thats great and all, but what about you personally?"

Good point! Degrees are really just a piece of paper stating that a school acknowledges that you have satisfactory knowledge into a subject. But personality is also important, and at times, and sometimes even crucial when you are applying for a job or want to hire someone into your group.

Being the youngest of 4 brothers and a sister, i learned at a young age that i had to take charge and not let others boss me around, this manifested into what others have called; "Strong leadership skills, to a fault", and "Stubborn once he has his eyes set unto a path". These traits can both be considered positive or negative, depending on the context in which they are placed.

I believe in taking responsibility for my actions, and thusly its important for me to deliver what i promise; This means that i'll make the neccecary sacrifices in order complete a task that i have knowingly accepted.
This could, however, mean that the end result might differ from what was originally intended.

If i had to guess, my interest in game design stems from a rooted desire to be creative; Since arts & crafts weren't my strongest subject in school, i had to satisfy that need through other means. Lo and behold, there was game design, a chance to let the imagination flow rampant!

"I see, and whats your background?"

My story begins at a very young age; Riiight around the age of 6 when i first started playing Super Mario World for the Super Nintendo Entertainment System (SNES). Of course, at this age i payed no attention to the design of the games, i merely found them entertaining and a good way to pass the time. However, as i grew older i began to pay more and more attention to the plot/stories told within the game, and the messages that they could sometimes bring.

in a sense, good game design became my abstract role model as i payed little, or no attention to the actual designers but more their results.
This inspired me to begin researching game design and how one would create and integrate a good story into a game.

By the age of 16 i had begun my studies into game development at LBS ( Ljud- och Bildskolan), and after a three year period i was eligible to enroll at Gotland University with a major in Game Design.
I am currently partaking in the so-called "Forth year" of studies at Gotland University which will further specialize my talents into the production of games.

However, i am not furthering my knowledge into game design because of the promise of fame or fortune; no no... It is a passion of mine, one that has been slowly growing ever since that faithful day when i first picked up the SNES controller and experience the world of gaming for the first time.

"What is it that you hope to accomplish?"

I want to learn how to become a better designer, And that means seeking out challenges near the border of my existing knowledge. The ultimate goal is to become a lot better at what i do so that i am able to create my own game production company, and be able to see my ideas come into fruition.

It is something of a dream to be able to tell a story that has such impact that people actually take something from it and makes the world a better place. The effort I'm putting into my education and sub sequentially all the games i'll be working on in the future is part of that dream...

Remember, its not always the destination that matters, its the journey there!


There is a certain finesse involved when making a compiling your profile for a review, and sometimes it can help to go a little META and observe what you've chosen to share from the perspective of the person reading it.

Say that you for instance wanted to look beneath the surface and analyze in what manner the applicant chose his/her answers; what method does one use?

Well, there is a method in psychology that uses something called the "Five Factor Model" that allows you to observe and categorize the applicants personality. Lets try it out shall we?

  • The applicant appears to be positive in his/her writing this suggests a positive attitude.
  • The applicant likes to take charge but may have a problem with others leadership. Applicant also respects hierarchy.
  • The Applicant seems to know where he/she wants to go in life.
  • The Applicant seems to understand his/her responsibility and probably won't shirk his/her duties, might sacrifice quality to finish on time.
  • The Applicant expresses a passion for being creative

The applicant is most likely a organized and consistent person who is confidant in his/her abilities but still wishes to learn more. The applicant can possibly come across as cold bur respectful to his/her co-workers.

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